Tips to Get You Through Jobloss

Layoffs are ripping through the tech industry leaving many talented human beings unsure of their futures. Whether concerned with food, shelter, healthcare, job prospects, or the economy, the experience is very stressful for the recipient (myself included).

Research shows job loss to be one of life's most stressful experiences. It's important to stay resilient and focused on finding your next opportunity, whether in the same field or trying something new.

Here are some tips that may help:

Take care of yourself:

Take care of your physical and mental well-being. Be sure to move your body, exercise, eat well, and make time for activities you enjoy.


Reach out to your network of colleagues, friends, and family to let them know you are looking for work. Attend industry events, and participate in online communities related to your interests. Expand your network to stay informed about job openings.

Update your resume and LinkedIn profile:

Make sure your resume and LinkedIn profile go beyond reflecting your skills and experience to highlight your achievements. Be sure to update your profile, ask for recommendations (and throw some out there to your network), and post about your passions.

Be proactive:

Don't wait for opportunities to come to you. Reach out to companies you are interested in working for, talk with recruiters who specialize in your niche, and apply for positions that align with your passions and experience.

Stay positive and focused:

Be sure not to minimize the feelings that come from your job loss. Make sure you set up a campsite and don't buy property in the valley. Feel it and then move on. Bring a positive attitude and maintain a sense of purpose to your job search. It's important to focus on the future and not dwell on the past.

Seek support:

Don't hesitate to reach out to your support group, counselor, or mentor for guidance and encouragement. As stated, job loss takes a toll on your confidence, relationships, and mental health. Be sure to ask for help when you need it.

Remember, your job is not your identity. Job loss is not a reflection of your worth or abilities. You will overcome this challenge and find a new opportunity that is even better suited to your passions, skills, and goals.

If you are ready to invest in yourself and need guidance on connecting with your true self to find a new career or network authentically, let’s chat.


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