2022 Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned: 2022 was the craziest year of my life.

2022 was the craziest year of my life. That said, it was a year of many lessons learned. Over time, I’ll find a way to share these lessons with you, so that you might potentially find resolutions to your own.

When I reflect on 2022, I recall starting the year preparing for the best year of my life. I had a new marriage, family, and job. I felt confident about myself and ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime with the release of "Love is Blind."

My Expectation: 2022 was going to be the best year of my life.

Fast forward through 2022.

My Reality: It did not go as expected.

I lost my partner.

I love my new family.

I lost my job.

I lost myself.

My expectations did not align with the actual reality of this year. I don't have many answers yet, but I learned a lot of lessons to take with me as I navigate into unchartered waters. I must believe in myself to captain my ship.

I want to share them with you in hopes that it resonates as a lesson or as a reminder.

  1. Manifesting expectations reliant on other people or outside factors are harmful to you. Control what you can and take the rest as it comes.

  2. Freeing yourself from expectations imposed on you by others gives you the freedom to be the best version of yourself.

  3. Protect your peace. Let whoever believe whatever they want about you. Don't give anybody the power to take you back to an unhealed version of yourself that you've worked SO hard to overcome.

  4. BE YOU! Stay within your character through adversity. You will be happier with yourself when it passes.

  5. You are not defined by your job, relationship, or anything, outside of what you put into the world.

  6. Don't allow yourself to lose the true you while trying to be something for someone else.

  7. Show yourself some grace. You're doing the best you can with what you have.

  8. Do not fear failure, or you will be in the exact same place you are right now but in the future.

I am walking into 2023 with one expectation: I am taking control of my life. Make sure you do too!

If this resonates, and you want to work on YOU, let’s connect!


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