A Personal Connection Story

Building connections comes easier to some than others. I genuinely feel one of my superpowers is assembling meaningful connections. I wasn't born with it, but I learned how important it was to be in tune with myself so I could show up with others.

Over the last year, I've connected with so many new people in the “real world.” I’ve also connected with several people in the reality TV world. Some people you know, some you don't, some you will, and some you won't.

Among those who you would probably not know is Christie. She reached out last year asking if I would answer some questions, and share my experience to help navigate if a reality TV opportunity was the path for her.

Through our conversations, we built a friendship on the foundation of authenticity. We don't agree on everything, but we respect one another as good human beings who are trying to do our best.

When I learned Christie had never visited Chicago, I invited her with the offer to be a free tour guide. Within a day, we took the leap of faith this opportunity wouldn't be weird and booked it.

Fast forward to today, and we just had the best extended weekend. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable because we were ourselves the entire time- good, bad, and healing. She also fit right in with my friend group and Greyson. You never know who you will connect with when you step outside of your comfort zone.

I won’t lie- I troll people about doing Chicago touristy things when they visit because the culture and neighborhoods offer so much more. My connection with Chicago is as genuine as it is with people. I was so happy to get to share that with my new friend.

We did some tourist things like the Bean, Michigan Avenue, the Riverwalk, shared deep-dish pizza, and watched Blue Man Group at Briar Street Theatre.

We also ate local, played bingo with friends, drank at dive bars, explored different neighborhoods, and successfully shot-pushed Malort (IYKYK).

This past weekend reminded me how enjoyable everything, even tourist spots, are when you're in good company. Even though the unconventional way we connected, I'm blessed to call Christie a friend.

Stay connected. It's the most important thing.


Authenticity & Leadership


Tips for Connecting with Others