Love Yourself Before Someone Else

Love yourself before someone else 💙.

I read an article arguing against the concept you must love yourself before someone else.

Um, what?

Outside validation plays a role in any relationship, but to say self-love shouldn't come first is CRAZY talk. Self-love leads to healthier relationships.

When you love yourself, you're less likely to seek validation and happiness from others meaning you approach relationships with more confidence and clarity.

Self-love helps you identify your needs and boundaries. Loving yourself requires understanding your needs and boundaries. When you know what you need and what you're willing to tolerate, you can communicate more clearly to your partner.

When you love yourself, you prioritize your well-being physically, emotionally, and mentally ensuring you show up your best self in your relationships.

Loving yourself improves self-esteem and confidence, which helps attract and maintain healthy relationships. When you feel good about yourself, you're likely to believe you deserve love and respect from others.

Loving yourself before someone else sets the foundation for healthy relationships based on mutual respect, trust, and support.

What do you think?


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